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Tutorial: Applying Effects to a Portion of a Image with Adobe Premiere Pro’s Track Matte Effect

This tutorial demonstrates how to apply an effect to a portion of a video image while leaving the rest of the clip untouched, and how to track that portion of the image throughout the duration of the clip, 使用adobepremiere Pro CC中的Track Matte效果.

有时,您需要将效果仅应用于剪辑的特定区域, 同时不影响图像的其他部分. 例如, 也许你点燃的场景不均匀, 想要变亮, 变黑, or otherwise color-correct a portion of it without affecting other portions of the image, 即使是同音域的.

Or perhaps you want to apply an effect more artistically, as in the example in 图1(下面),这里我用了黑色 & 白色滤镜的背景, while keeping my daughter in full color as she dances “Dance of the Flowers” from the 胡桃夹子. 因为我们在做视频, 而不是静止的图像, it’s not as simple as applying the same effect to a portion of a still image, since that portion of the image that we want to apply the effect to--often an object, 或者在这种情况下, 一个人——可能会移动. 但实际上它比看起来容易, 一旦你学会了如何在Adobe Premiere Pro中使用Track Matte效果, 我将在本教程中演示.

图1. A black-and-white filter applied to a clip in Adobe Premiere Pro with one region preserved in full color. 单击图像以查看其全尺寸.


那么,我们是如何创造这个的? Let’s start with the subclip that I used in this particular sequence and then create a new sequence. 你可以看到我使用的子剪辑, What – flowers just below the Tutorial clip in the Project panel in 图1. 我把它拖到新项目上.

当你使用轨道磨砂时, you have to duplicate the video portion of the clip and place it directly on top of the original. To select just the video portion of the clip (so that you don’t duplicate the audio), hold down the Option key (Mac) or the Alt key (Windows) and click on the clip in the timeline. 然后右键单击, 选择复制, 然后让Premiere Pro把它放到视频2上, 然后按Control+V粘贴.

图2(下面) 显示了我在时间轴上制作的两个片段, 正如你在程序监视器中看到的, 它们看起来很像一个片段.

图2. 视频1和视频2中有两个相同的片段. 单击图像以查看其全尺寸.

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